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RCP 502 - Rehabilitation Counseling Research & Program Evaluation: Finding Journal Articles

Finding a Full-Text Journal Article

Some of our databases provide full-text articles (indicated by a PDF or HTML link after the citation).  Others only show you the titles of articles.  For these, click Article Linker to find out whether we own the journal in print and/or online.

If we do not have access to the article you need, you can request it (free of charge).  After logging into your InterLibrary Loan account, the system will automatically fill out the necessary information - you just need to hit Submit Request at the bottom of the page!

New Users to the InterLibrary Loan service, may set up an InterLibrary Loan account here:

If you've got a citation

If you already have a citation, the title of journal, it's ISSN, or would prefer to browse journals by a particular subject, follow the steps below:


  1. Click on the Journals tab from the library search bar
  2. Choose from the following options in the drop-down menu to the left of the search box: Title begins with, title equals, title contains all words, or ISSN equals.
  3. Enter all or part of the journal title and then select the SEARCH button. Make sure that you are entering the title of the journal, not the title of the article itself. 
  4. Locate the correct title from the results list. 
  5. Select the title with the dates that you need and choose the database name next to your preferred dates. 
  6. You will be redirected to another screen where you can search for your article. 
  7. If the journal or date you want is not available, order the article through interlibrary loan using the link below. 

Online Databases for Journal Articles

Advanced Search Tips

Use these search terms to narrow or broaden your search:






media AND bias

Narrows the search to entries containing both terms.


beer OR wine

Broadens the search to entries containing either term.


bats NOT baseball

Excludes entries containing the second term.

“ ”

“social work”

Retrieves results containing the exact phrase in quotes.



Wildcard: Retrieves both globalization and globalisation.



Truncation: Retrieves rehab, rehabilitate, rehabilitation.


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Off Campus Access

You can search all our databases from off campus!  When selecting a database from the Library website, you’ll be prompted to enter your Assumption University email login name and password.