In MLA, you must cite the sources that you have paraphrased, quoted, or otherwise used to write your research paper. Cite your sources in two places:
Only include the Database Name if applicable.
Works Cited List Example:
In-Text Citation:
(Langhamer 184)
Only include the Database Name if applicable.
Works Cited List Example:
In-Text Citation:
(Alonso and Camargo 92)
Only include the Database Name if applicable.
Works Cited List Example:
In-Text Citation:
(Walters et al. 1344)
Works Cited List Example:
In-Text Citation:
(Spencer and Funk)
Works Cited List Example:
In-Text Citation:
(U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics)
Only include the Database Name if applicable.
Works Cited List Example:
In-Text Citation:
Only include the Database Name if applicable.
Works Cited List Example:
In-Text Citation:
(Goldin 12)
Works Cited List Example:
In-Text Citation:
(Roberts 244)
Works Cited List Example:
In-Text Citation:
(Lee and Casey 112)
Works Cited List Example:
In-Text Citation:
(Peterson 251)
DOI Links
If your citation requires a link, try first to locate a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for your source. A DOI may be listed as a link or as a string of numbers and letters (for example: 10.1007/s12021-021-09517-8). If the DOI appears as a string of numbers and letters, convert it to a link by adding to the beginning. A DOI link is the best type of link to use in your MLA citations.
When a DOI is not available, try to locate a URL that is stable, permanent, or persistent (sometimes called a permalink). Most library databases will provide such a link, although it is NOT located in the address bar at the top of your browser. Look around for a special icon or button. You do not need to include https:// when using a permalink URL.
Other URLs
If neither a DOI or permalink is available, use the URL in the address bar at the top of your browser. If the URL runs for three full lines of text or longer, you can shorten it or omit the remaining portion. Do not use shortening services such as You do not need to include https:// when using these types of URLs.