Research for Physician Assistant students primarily means searching for journal articles, which you will mostly find in the databases CINAHL (the index for nursing and allied health professionals) and PubMed (the largest biomedical research database in the world).
Full text for the top nursing and allied health literature available and covers a wide range of topics including nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines.
Some of our databases provide full-text articles (indicated by a PDF or HTML link after the citation). Others only show you the titles of articles. For these, click Article Linker to find out whether we own the journal in print and/or online.
If we do not have access to the article you need, you can request it (free of charge). After logging into your InterLibrary Loan account, the system will automatically fill out the necessary information - you just need to hit Submit Request at the bottom of the page!
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Includes videos, self-assessments, leading medical textbooks including Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, diagnosis tools, case studies, images and more to help educate nurses and physician assistants. Updated daily.
Includes videos, self-assessments, leading medical textbooks including Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, diagnosis tools, case studies, images and more to help educate nurses and physician assistants. Updated daily.
Clinical skills videos featuring head-to-toe and systems-based physical examination techniques with an emphasis on clinical accuracy and patient care; Also has OSCE clinical reasoning modules; Each volume, broken into chapters.
ClinicalKey Student is an interactive medical learning platform with books, videos, images and quick access summaries. You can take and share notes, and create revision flashcards.
Evaluations, reviews, and analysis of the latest evidence of peer reviewed journals, medical resources, and industry guidelines by professional clinicians. Authoritative clinical decision support to make diagnosis and treatment decisions.