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ARH 125/126 Resources: Evaluating Sources & Citation Help

Your instructor allows for use of both APA or MLA citation styles. See below for helpful information on both, or consult the full guides for extensive guidance.

MLA Citation of Websites

Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article or Webpage." Website Name, Sponsoring Organization if different from website name, Day Month Year of Publication or last modified date, Link.


Works Cited List Example:

Spencer, Alison and Cary Funk. "Americans Largely Support U.S. Joining International Efforts to Address Climate Change." Pew Research Center, 9 March 2022,

In-Text Citation: 

(Spencer and Funk)

Name of Group/Organization. "Title of Article or Webpage." Website Name, Sponsoring Organization if different from website name, Day Month Year of Publication or last modified date, Link.


Works Cited List Example:

U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics. "Capital Punishment in the United States, 1973-2019."  National Archive of Criminal Justice Data, 8 June 2021,

In-Text Citation: 

(U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics)

Evaluating Digital Image Reliability

 "Evaluating Photos & Videos: Crash Course Navigating Digital Information #7.” YouTube, uploaded by d'Alzon Library, 18 June 2019, 13:18 minutes, jumped to 6:00 for an example.

APA Citation of Websites

Last name, Initials. (Year, Month Day). Title of webpage. Title of Website. URL link.


Reference List Example:

Martin-Lillie, C. M. (2016, December 29). Be kind to yourself: How self-compassion can improve your resiliency. Mayo Clinic.

In-Text Citation: 

(Martin-Lillie, 2016).

Name of Group/Organization. (Year, Month Day). Title of webpage. URL link.


Reference List Example:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018, January 23). People at high risk of developing flu-related complications.

In-Text Citation: 

(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018).