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Political Science: Citation Help

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American Psychological Association (APA) 

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Chicago Manual of Style

Zotero Citation Manager

Zotero is a helpful citation and bibliography manager. It helps with:

  • Organizing your sources
  • Keeping track of sources
  • Creating references (a bibliography) for sources
  • Creating citations (in the text) of sources

Turnitin Paper Checking Service


Would you like to run your paper through Turnitin before submitting the assignment to your professor? You can do this through Brightspace in the Turnitin Paper Checking Course.

You'll simply upload your document, and your originality report will be available shortly.

Turnitin Similarity Reports

What it Does

Papers submitted to Turnitin may be compared against billions of internet documents, archived internet data that is no longer available on the live web, a local repository of previously submitted papers, and subscription repository of periodicals, journals, and publications. The comparison may be against any or all of these repositories as set on a specific assignment by the instructor of the class.

The comparison document is called an Originality Report or a Similarity Report. This document details the matching or similar text between a submission made on Turnitin and the documents the submission was compared against.