If you already have a citation, the title of journal, it's ISSN, or would prefer to browse journals by a particular subject, follow the steps below:
This database provides access to many of the same scholarly and trade articles that appear in PsycInfo and PsycArticles, as well as new video collections documenting counseling sessions, historical psychological experiments, and related material. Content in this database can be organized by therapeutic approach (group counseling, family counseling, etc.) or presenting issue (anxiety, depression, etc.)
Online access to DSM-5, DSM-5-TR, DSM-5 Clinical Cases, DSM-5 Handbooks of Differential Diagnosis, and more. The DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) is the handbook used much of the world as the authoritative guide to the diagnosis of mental disorders. DSM contains descriptions, symptoms and other criteria for diagnosing mental disorders.
Contains full text information about English-language standardized tests and also contains test reviews. This is the online version of the printed volumes.
Primary Sources in Psychology are:
written accounts of original research, study, or experimentation that present new information or discoveries:
Found in databases like APA PsychInfo, or APA PsycArticles:
This database provides access to many of the same scholarly and trade articles that appear in PsycInfo and PsycArticles, as well as new video collections documenting counseling sessions, historical psychological experiments, and related material. Content in this database can be organized by therapeutic approach (group counseling, family counseling, etc.) or presenting issue (anxiety, depression, etc.)