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ECO 111 - Macroeconomics: Articles & News

Online Databases for Journal Articles

Business Journals & Newspapers

Request Books and Articles From Other Libraries

If we don't own a particular book or journal article, we can order it for you through Interlibrary Loan.

Books can take up to 2 weeks to arrive at our library, so be sure to do your research early.

Journal articles tend to arrive quicker, usually in 1-3 business days.

Some of our databases provide full-text articles (indicated by a PDF or HTML link after the citation).  Others only show you the titles of articles.  For these, click Article Linker to find out whether we own the journal in print and/or online.  Note the year of the journal article and make sure we own the year you need!

You may set up your Interlibrary Loan account here:

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