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A citation database covering a wide range of economics-related literature. Use Article Linker to find the full-text articles.
Business Source Premier covers topics in accounting, banking, economics, finance, international trade, marketing, management information systems, and operations management. It includes articles from thousands of scholarly, professional, academic, and trade publications. Includes (Marketline) company profiles of the world's 10,000 largest companies. Allows searching by fields relevant to the study of business, including company name, ticker symbol, product name, geographic location, and NAICS industry code. Harvard Business Review is here 1922-present.
Provides full text for nearly 3,970 journals covering the social sciences, humanities, general science, multi-cultural studies, education, and much more.
A general academic database with a majority of the articles in full text. Contains podcasts and transcripts from NPR, CNN, and the CBC, as well as full-text New York Times content 1985 to present.
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