Some websites, such as Cambridge, do not allow full eBook downloads and only allow chapter downloads as PDFs.
Many sites have restrictions on the number of chapters you can download/print for copyright reasons. For instance, a book in Ebook Central might say, "97 pages remaining for PDF print/chapter download" and it counts down as you download chapters.
When you're done reading an eBook, close your browser tab to end your session (and release the eBook so someone else can read it).
We recommend reading eBooks online whenever possible.
To download an entire eBook to any device, you must also download the free Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) software/app and have (or create) an Adobe ID. (An Adobe ID is different from your Assumption ID.) When you download an eBook, it opens in Adobe Digital Editions, and you can read your book offline. After the checkout period is over, it remains in your ADE library with a status of Expired. To continue reading, you have to download it again.
Here is a helpful video about downloading Adobe Digital Editions on a computer. (Note, the process is similar on a mobile device--you still need to download the ADE app from your device's app store and create an Adobe ID.)
Installing Adobe Digital Editions, August 31, 2011 by Joshua Tallent., Accessed 7 May 2021