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Teaching Resources for Faculty: Self-paced Tutorials

Self-paced Library Tutorials in Google Forms

These tutorials can be adapted/embedded in your course.

To embed or link, once you've copied the form to your personal Google Drive and have made any edits, click the Send button, then Send Via < > to copy/paste the Embed HTML, or click on the link button to send the URL.

Creating a focused research question for your assignment

This interactive tutorial will help students develop and narrow their topic focus appropriate to the research assignment.

Evaluating Sources 

Students will learn strategies for critical evaluation of information in order to select credible sources for their assignment.

Research 101

This tutorial covers topic refinement, keywords for searching, scholarly v. popular sources, and finding articles through the library search bar.

Finding Articles for Social Sciences & Humanities

The tutorial covers keywords for searching, finding articles in library search bar, JSTOR, and Google Scholar.

Be a Research Skeptic Using the SIFT Method

In this tutorial, learn to use Mike Caulfield's "Four Moves" for evaluating sources like a fact-checker.

Citations Tutorials

Marquette University and GVSU (Grand Valley State University) teamed up to create these amazing tutorials that are drag-n-drop citation practice, 2020.

In this activity, students are asked to identify necessary citation information, place the information in the correct citation order and then identify the source type.