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Streaming and Digital Media Student Guide: Citing Your Sources

Links to resources and tips on using in your assignments: streaming movies, open access books, videos, audio, eBooks, copyright restrictions, and more

Proper Attributions for Creative Commons Works

You must provide proper attribution for any Creative Commons works that you choose to use.  All CC attributions should have the same basic information:

  • Title of the work 
  • Creator name
  • Source of the work (usually in the form of a URL)
  • Any copyright information included with the work (such as a watermark or author name)
  • CC license information (including a link back to the CC documentation page if possible)



Required Citation Information:

Title: Shaker Buildings

Creator:  Rick Payette

Source: Flickr (

Copyright License: CC Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) 


In an online environment, hyperlinks can be used to shorten the citation.  In a print resource, the citation will be longer as all of the required information must be written out in full.  Both citations are correct, as they both provide the necessary information.

Short attribution statement with hyperlinks:

"Shaker Buildings" by Rick Payette (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Full attribution statement without hyperlinks:

"Shaker Buildings" by Rick Payette, retrieved from, used under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic license (


For more examples of proper attributions, see:

Best Practices for Attribution (Creative Commons Wiki)

Image Citation Guide (University of British Columbia)

Example of Proper CC Attributions in Video Projects

Example of Proper CC Attributions in Websites or Blogs