The Canadians of Oregon (1881?, English)
Catholic Grievances in Relation to the Administration of Indian Affairs: Being a Report Presented the the Catholic Young Men’s National Union, at its Eighth Annual Convention, Held in Boston, Massachusetts, May 10th and 11th, 1882. (1882, English)
Discours sur la Situation des Canadiens aux Etats-Unis : Prononcé à la Convention Nationale de Québec le 26 Juin 1880 (1880?, French)
The Discovery of the East Coast of the United States (article in Catholic World Feb. 1882)
The Origin of the Flathead Mission of the Rocky Mountains (1888, English)
The Origin of the Oregon Mission (1887, English)
Principes de Croyance, ou Religion du Sentiment (1840, French)
Sieur de Vincennes, the founder of Indiana’s Oldest School (1897, English)
Le Sieure de Vincennes, Fondateur de l’Indiana (1897, French)
Trois Conferences: Washington et Coulon de Villiers ; Le Gardeur de Saint-Pierre ; Louis Jolliet au Mississippi (1899-1910?, French)
Washington et Coulon de Villiers (1906, French)