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Graduate Studies: Databases & Journals

Guide to assist Graduate Studies students in finding resources to complete assignments and perform research in their discipline area.

Check Out our databases

Databases are an essential tool for your research! Assumption's databases contain everything from journal articles to streaming videos that you can search with a high level of specificity. If it's been a minute since you've used a database or you're not getting the results you want, don't hesitate to either check out the library's YouTube channel for a quick overview or get in touch with a librarian! 

Explore the box or YouTube video below to see how you can locate full text articles or place an interlibrary loan request for any unowned items. 

Check out our full list of databases, organized alphabetically with the option to filter by subject:

How to Use Article Linker to Find Full Text

Evaluate Your Sources

If you've got a citation

If you already have a citation, the title of journal, it's ISSN, or would prefer to browse journals by a particular subject, follow the steps below:


  1. Click on the Journals tab from the library search bar
  2. Choose from the following options in the drop-down menu to the left of the search box: Title begins with, title equals, title contains all words, or ISSN equals.
  3. Enter all or part of the journal title and then select the SEARCH button. Make sure that you are entering the title of the journal, not the title of the article itself. 
  4. Locate the correct title from the results list. 
  5. Select the title with the dates that you need and choose the database name next to your preferred dates. 
  6. You will be redirected to another screen where you can search for your article. 
  7. If the journal or date you want is not available, order the article through interlibrary loan using the link below.