Faculty may borrow library materials from the circulating collection for the current semester. Your Assumption ID is your library card. Some materials, such as movies, have different loan periods. You may borrow up to 50 items at a time. Items may be renewed online or by contacting the Front Desk at 508.767.7135.
Your borrowing privileges are active for 5 years, as long as you are affiliated with the University. You may renew your registration at any time after your privileges expire, by showing a valid University ID at the Front Desk.
Faculty (and students) may borrow directly from libraries in the Academic and Research Collaborative (ARC). Please obtain an ARC direct borrowing card at the d'Alzon Library Front Desk, in order to borrow directly from an ARC member library.
Assumption University students, faculty, and staff may request materials that are not held by the d’Alzon Library through the ILLiad Interlibrary Loan system, which allows users to place, track, and renew requests online. Most articles are delivered electronically to your ILLiad account within 3 days. Books that are available locally will often arrive in just a few days, but it is best to plan on 7-10 days to receive other books. If you have questions about Interlibrary Loan, please contact Vivienne Anthony at 508.767.7291.
The Emmanuel d'Alzon Library provides a license to the Chronicle of Higher Ed newspaper, providing: