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Reserves Basics

  • Books, DVDs, and other items can be placed on reserve at the Library. These materials will be shelved behind the Front Desk and can be checked out for use within the library building only. This ensures that all students have access to the item.
  • Students can search for reserved materials by using the Course Reserves button located on the Library homepage.

How to Place Materials on Reserve

  • Faculty can place personal items (for example: instructor copies of textbooks) on reserve temporarily for one or more semesters. They will be offered back to the faculty at the end of each semester. Simply bring the item(s) to the Library with a note indicating which course(s) they should be reserved for.
  • Faculty can request that library owned materials be placed on reserve temporarily for one or more semesters by contacting Mary Rigali at
  • Faculty can also request new items to be purchased by the Library and placed on reserve. These requests are reviewed and considered on a case-by-case basis. Learn more about this process below.

Purchase Requests for Reserves

  • To recommend a purchase by the Library for reserves, please fill out the Library Purchase Request Form.
  • If you are using a textbook that includes an online access code for supplementary materials, please be aware that the Library cannot provide students with access to online content. For that reason, priority is given to purchase requests for stand-alone texts.
  • Priority is also given to materials that will be used over multiple semesters.
  • Ebooks will be considered, but these licenses often limit the number of simultaneous users.
  • It can take several weeks for items to be ordered, received, and catalogued for student use, so we recommend that faculty submit purchase requests as soon as possible.