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What is Turnitin?

Turnitin is a tool you can use to help identify and reduce plagiarism in your courses.  It compares your students' work with a database of over 929 million archived student papers, 67 billion web pages, and 178 million journal articles and subscription content sources, then generates a Similarity Report for your review.

How can I start using Turnitin for my assignments?

There are two easy ways to start using Turnitin at Assumption:

  1. Through Brightspace (recommended method): 
    If your course has a Brightspace site, you can create a Turnitin assignment there that you can see the results for. For questions about Turnitin through Brightspace, please submit an IT Help Desk ticket at
  2. Directly through the website
    For this option, you’ll need to contact Eloise Knowlton She will set you up as an instructor in, which will send you a temporary login via e-mail.  You can then access the site to upload your students’ papers directly. You may also enroll your students so they can submit assignments.

NOTE: In addition, every student has a Turnitin course on their Brightspace page, where they can submit anonymously for any class, and get feedback that they alone, can view.

What else can Turnitin do?

Self-evaluation -- Turnitin allows students to evaluate their own work for potential plagiarism prior to submitting it. Send them here for more info.

Peer review -- Turnitin offers an opportunity for you to have students review each others' work as part of the editing process.

Grademark -- Turnitin allows you to grade papers and add comments for your students directly online.

Assessment -- Turnitin allows you to create and apply rubrics for use in evaluation and assessment.

For more information, visit, or contact Eloise Knowlton for assistance.

Where can I find out more information?